Green Building and Energy Efficient Homes

Building Energy Efficient Homes
In a world where temperatures are rising nearly as fast your energy bill, it’s never been more timely to create an energy independent home. Instead of being caught between the whims of oil tycoons or subject to cataclysmic world events, more and more people are taking matters in their own hands by going green. Not only is it responsible stewardship over the earth, but it also saves you considerable money over time on your energy bills. It’s not just for idealists anymore. It’s a pragmatic, money saving stance for independence. Whether you want to build a new, green home with us, or whether you want to update your current home to be more environmentally friendly, O&S Building and Remodeling will suit your home with the technology and additions necessary to cut costs and preserve the planet.

Ways We Can Help You Go Green
Working within your budget, there are many ways O&S Building and Remodeling can assist you in going green and becoming energy independent. Whether it’s utilizing solar power, properly insulating your house to make it energy efficient, harnessing the wind, or finding better ways to heat your water, there are ways you can become a better steward of the earth, while saving significantly on your energy bill. There are many ways of going green that we can help you with:
Solar Paneling
Rainwater Collection
Solar Hot Water
Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines
High Performance Windows
Compact Fluorescent Lighting
Tankless Hot Water Heater
Pex Plumbing
Conditioned Crawl Space
Insulate Concrete Forms
Geothermal Heat Pump
Structural Insulated Panels
Spray Foam Insulation
Previous Pavers Driveways
And More!

Global Impact, Personal Impact
There is no question that our natural resources are depleting. The debate about global warming rages on, but there is no question about the rising heat that is afflicting the globe, and the cost it’s taking to heat our homes. The foot print we are leaving can be lessened significantly on a global scale, certainly, but even the personal impact that an energy efficient home can have on your life can be incredibly freeing.

A Wealth of Experience
ABC Building and Remodeling have been building energy efficient homes for 30 years. We are expert builders in our field and have expertly weathered through bubbles, recessions, and calamities, while remaining strong and hearty in our business. Our record and our experience speak for themselves. We bring intelligence, creativity, expertise, and seasoned experience to the table. We have the knowhow and the skill set to modify or create your home into an ideal of green values and energy self sufficiency. In making your home green and energy efficient, you will have professionals at your side who not only care about the earth, but care about you and your home. On a personal and a global scale we aim to do good, and to do it well.
Why Choose Us?
- Handle All Permits
- Free in-Home Consultations
- Flexible Weekend & Evening Appointments Available
- Engineering and Blueprint Permits
Call today to make an appointment with one of our designers. We have flexible weekend & evening appointments available.
We offer Professional Remodeling Services
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