Should I Leave a Gap Between Concrete Pavers? – General DIY Questions

Pavers can be made of different materials. Whether it is a stone paver, brick paver or the concrete paver, it is very important to ensure that these are installed the right way. Also, the shapes can be in different forms such as rectangles, squares or any irregular shape. But the most important question that people ask is – whether or not should I leave a gap between concrete pavers? The concrete pavers must be laid uniformly topped with the sand layer or any other fillers.
Should I Leave a Gap Between Concrete Pavers?
There is no doubt that you must leave a gap between the concrete pavers, no matter what the shape of the paver is. To know more about how much the gap should be and how to determine that, read on.
Determining the Gap Between the Pavers
You have to determine the gap between the pavers based on the type of paver. For the concrete pavers, you can set them closer to each other than that of the pavers that are made up of other materials. Although if they do loosen up, you can learn how to fix the loose pavers down the road.
- Walkway Gaps
You have to leave a wider gap when it comes to the walkways. You can fill the gap with decorative gravel to make the walkways look attractive. You can also fill it with sand, but should know the amount of sand that you’ll need prior to the installation. The colorful pea gravel can also look good. So, when it comes to the walkways, make sure to make a gap of half an inch so that you can lay some fashionable decorative stones in between.
- Driveways
Do not leave much gap when it comes to the driveways. Keep it as close as possible and use basic element like sand for sealing the gaps between the pavers. You need to keep a minimum distance of ½ inch and keep it like that. The sand will be ideal for the driveways as it can solidify the pavers and also provide a decorative accent. Installing pavers on your driveway should be one of the first few things that you do in your step by step home renovation checklist.
Using of the Right Element in Gaps
If you want to keep it simple and steady for a longer period of time, it is better to use polymeric sand for a better and stronger bond. This is the best ingredient that you can use for strengthening the pavers. This will keep the pavers in place for a longer period of time. No matter how much traffic is there or how many times you drive through the pavement, it will remain stronger. The most important thing about the gaps between the pavers is that it must be sealed completely.
Wrapping It Up
Do you have a clear idea now about whether should I leave a gap between the concrete pavers or not? Hopefully, this explanation is enough for you to understand how much a gap is essential in between the pavers and how you can seal it. Pavers are installed outside your house and is a cool home improvement idea that you can try. It gets direct sunlight, rain and snow. Hence, it is very important to understand how you can keep it perfectly strong and durable all the time. You should also know how to kill weeds between your pavers so that they remain looking well maintained. With the help of the correct sealant and the right amount of gap in between the pavers, you can make them stronger and better.